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CJ Delivers Keynote Address at CMJA Conference
Hon. Justice Bart Katureebe giving his keynote at the 2017 CMJA conference

The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, this morning delivered a keynote address at the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association Conference at the Bank of Tanzania Conference Centre.

The Chief Justice presented a paper titled "Building an Effective, Accountable and Inclusive Judiciary" in line with the conference's theme. 

In his address, the Chief Justice said courts are being run on modern business practices.

"Judiciaries are also engaging more with court users to understand their needs so that they can serve them better. Courts are also being run on modern business practices partly forced on them by shrinking budgets but also due to the overwhelming public demand for better service delivery and accountability," he said.

He said the public is concerned about the high cost of accessing justice and Judiciaries in the developing world are therefore seeking ways to bring down the cost of accessing justice for 90% of the population who cannot afford a lawyer.   

The opening was officiated by Ms. Samia Suluhu Hassan, the Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania.

The Conference aims at enhancing networking within the Commonwealth Magistrates'and Judges' Association on judicial developments.

Posted 26th, September 2017
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